Managing Your Mediocrity (And Moving Forward)

Hello friends! I’m your Mediocrity Girl.

Are you tired, bored and unenergized? Do your daily routines get you down? Are you unmotivated? The answer to all your problems is in this little blog post! Change and Move Forward. That’s right. Change and move forward.

It contains all the steps necessary to advance past mediocrity. All you do is take one giant tablespoonful of Change and Move Forward after every meal. It’s so tasty, too! Tastes just like raspberries!

So why don’t you join the thousands of changing, motivated people and get a great, big bottle of Change and Move Forward tomorrow! That’s Change and Move Forward!

Okay, so if you grew up on I Love Lucy reruns like I did, you may recognize the beginnings of that little monologue as from one of the more iconic episodes of the show, specifically the “Lucy Does a TV Commercial” episode featuring Vitameatavegamin as the product.

Tastes just like candy!

Now, while I’ve modified the words from her commercial to fit the theme of my post today, I thought I’d share a short message with you about my own mediocrity and the change happening in my life.

No, this isn’t a mushy, gushy post.

It’s really more about the fact that I’ve realized that losing my job was the step that needed to happen for me to understand how dependent I was on the more administrative sides of positions. It was one of the most codependent relationships I’ve ever had, and it wasn’t even a sentient relationship. Go figure.

Being in an administrative position gave me the comfort of never having to seek out anything more than a simple position where I didn’t have to do anything more than follow rules, be on time, manage scripts and notes and files and customer interaction, and otherwise achieve a rate of success determined by someone above me.

Now I have change.

I have a job as a director at a center where I’ll not only be judged by some of those same above criteria (and more, because, let’s face it, it’s sales – therefore: money and numbers are essential), but I’ll also have employees I have to manage and judge and watch.

It’s terrifying. Seriously. I’m terrified. For people out there who have managed others, done the performance review stuff, ordered and counted inventory, created and maintained sales and clients, this may sound boring to you. But to me, this is all too new and strange.

It means stepping so far out of my comfort zone I might as well be in a different time zone.

So even though I can’t say yet that I’m going to definitely succeed, that I’m focused and determined on my own success and that this venture will be the one that pushes me forward, I can say the same thing I’ve said with every job I’ve had.

This will be a learning experience. And for that, more than anything else, I am grateful.

And with this learning experience, it will give me a push out of the mediocrity that I’ve been living my life. Because realistically speaking, I can’t keep going through the same old, same old.

I don’t want stale and boring. I want spice and excitement. I want adventure and discovery. I want opportunity and newness.

Out with the old. In with the new. Even if the new isn’t the best, it is new and exciting. And that’s what matters.

Lovingly Your (Not Quite) Mediocrity Girl,


A Time for Change

I’ll admit it. I’m not great with posting here.

There, I said it.

I want to get better, though. I’d eventually like to use this as a means to both blog and tell you more about who I am, what I’m doing, how Fernando and I are doing in our first year of marriage, and where else you can find me in the wonderful wide world of the Web.

So you may start seeing some changes in the coming weeks. I can’t promise anything new right away. That would be too much too fast, right?

I’d like to revamp my blog, change the background and style and make it more me.

There’s a reason for this, of course. Are you ready?

I’m hoping to start a new job Monday (Yay!!) where I’ll be training to be a director at a prominent weight loss clinic that’s moving to town. It’s new to the area, and if you know me or the area, you’d be able to figure it out fairly quickly. I’ll start training Monday and be in training for two weeks until I’m able to take on the role of director of my own facility.

It’s a challenge, a change, and a scary endeavor.

I’m excited and nervous at the same time.

However, I also want to start posting a story to Wattpad. If you haven’t heard of Wattpad, it’s one of the easiest posting forums on the internet today for writers. The website is an online venue for posting stories, whether they are original fiction, non-fiction, or fanfiction. Thousands of stories are posted there on a regular basis and are available for public consumption.

Why do I want to post a story to Wattpad?

Well, there are a few reasons.

First: I would like to get some feedback on my fiction. Now, I understand that I might get nothing, no feedback, no comments, no reads. But I might get some feedback, and this is what I’m looking for. I also understand not all feedback is useful, but if I can get even a glimmer of useful information and criticism to work with, then I feel it would be worth it.

Second: I’m writing a story in a totally different vein from any of my previous novels. It’s written in first person, which is nothing I’m comfortable with as far as fiction goes. It’s about something I’m not comfortable writing (specifically super powers – which borders on the realm of sci-fi if you ask me). It covers subject matter and a message I haven’t quite captured yet and am not entirely certain of the direction, which makes me somewhat nervous. But I want to put it out there and see what I get out of the experience.

Third: I’m planning to be like every person who writes on Wattpad these days and use the website as a tool for building a platform where I can gain traction and a readership. If people like me and follow me, then I feel confident they’ll be more inclined to follow me should I choose to self-publish at some time in the future.

So there you have it.

I’m going to be on Wattpad. When I start posting, I’ll probably feature my author page and the actual book here for potential reads, but I don’t want to put anyone off who wants to read about my escapades as a new director at a weight loss clinic, either!

And, in fact, let me dish a bit more on that before I end this post. In the interest of change, I’ll be undergoing my own bit of personal change with the clinic. Because they want to have all employees familiar with the program, I and the other director and counselors will be weighed and measured as part of our training and given a “healthy weight loss” that we can achieve as part of the program.

For the first two weeks of our employment, we’ll all be participating in the program in order to better help our clients understand the ins and outs of the program and to tell them, “I’ve been there, too!” Sooo, I guess I get to start my own weight loss program on Monday or Tuesday as well! You’ll get an updated post about how that will be going here shortly since I’m certain to share all the fun details with you about my weight and what I lose on the two weeks that I’m on the program.

Since I’m being honest, I could probably stand to lose a good 15 pounds to get down to a nice goal weight that would make me look incredibly sexy.

Yep, you read that right.

I’d be sexy.

Fernando would approve either way since he tends to think I’m sexy regardless. But the upside is that I’d also be able to fit into smaller clothes (in theory), and I’d feel a little less like a sloth.

Right now, I’m about 5’6″ tall and roughly 160 pounds of awesome.

So give me 5’6″ and 145 pounds of awesome, and I could do some serious damage.

But come Tuesday (I think – depends on when the equipment comes in), we’ll see where I measure and what the company thinks I can stand to lose.

I’m kind of looking forward to it!

Onward to change,

– RaeNez